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What are gym tumbling mats and how to buy the right gym tumbling mats for yourself


What are gym tumbling mats?

gym tumbling mats can be used to do sports training mats, such as tumbling, push-ups, and so on, gym tumbling mats can also be used to practice yoga (yoga mats are relatively thin, generally more than 10mm thickness we call fitness mats ~ 10mm or less called yoga mats). gym tumbling mats of The first function, is to play a cushioning role, to avoid receiving injuries when exercising. A good gym tumbling mats, can stabilize the body balance, of course, you can also jump on the deep squat, sit-ups, etc..

gym tumbling mats

How to buy the right gym tumbling mats for yourself?

1. First of all, the thickness. Gym tumbling mats on the market, the thickness from 1mm to 15mm are available. Thick mats better protection performance, but the movement is not conducive to force; thin mats convenient movement, but less protective, generally recommended for beginners to use 6mm ~ 10mm.

2. Material. Currently on the market there are three kinds of materials more common: EVA material, PVC foam material, TPE material.

EVA material: the advantage is cheap, but the finished product is not as soft as other materials, there is some smell.

PVC foam: the most common material on the market, moderate softness, the price is generally around $ 180, beginners can consider.

TPE material: the price is higher, the material is stable, recommended for fitness professionals to use.

3. Other places to pay attention to: the reverse side of gym tumbling mats, whether the grain is clear, flat, whether the movement of the mat will not move.

4. Size

610x1730mm: suitable for people below 175cm in height

610x1830mm: suitable for people under 185cm in height

800x1830mm: suitable for people with a shoulder width of more than 50cm

1200x1830mm: double size for two people, couples, parents and children, outdoor camping, children's fall prevention use

Yoga Mat

Final summary.

PVC material gym tumbling mats market share of more than 70%, is more acceptable and very much like the fitness mats, primary fitness enthusiasts recommended cost-effective PVC material.

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